You are part of the culture

You can influence it even if you don't decide to do it.

This is my personal thinking about influencing the culture you are living in. I’m writing for me, but I hope can be useful also for you.

If you are working or living in a toxic environment, of course, you can rant about it. Of course, you can think about what other people can do for improve the situation.

Is perfectly normal to have and express those things called emotions. But you are part of the environment, so focus on what YOU can do to improve the situation.

Scenario: you are in a team where is usual to do overtime everyday. Your rant: IT CAN’T BE NORMAL TO DO OVERTIME EVERYDAY! Your analysis: People shoudn’t stay overtime and should protest Your action: try to don’t stay overtime

You are contributing to the mean value of the quality of the environment you are in.

Let’s talk about the government of your country. The possibility that you are not happy with what politics do is very high, but they rappresent the people. Even if you are living in a Dictatorship. But think about it, even dictatorships stay up also because the majority of the people are ok with that. I’m not blaming anybody, I’m just saying that you are part of the people and as little you can move the mean of the majority of the people you are responsible for that part.

Always responsible.

Elections when democracy is high they are won by little percentages, so every little responsiblity is important.

Now think about the company where you work even if is FAANG or some big corporate you can have an impact, even if you are the junior recepionist (big shout out to all junior receptionists who read my blog!)

You influence your environment even if you don’t do apparentally nothing.

In a nutshell I can suggest:

  1. Be respectfull, because you can be wrong.
  2. Be patient, because you don’t have everything under control.
  3. Ask, listen and then act.